The clothes we wear, how we care for them and the length of time we keep them in use, all have a significant impact on the environment.
The projected growth of the middle class is expected to further increase demand for apparel, putting pressure on already limited resources. Rising need of rapidly develop solutions for a circular economy.
Under its planet agenda platform, The LYCRA Company is offering a variety of fiber and fabric solutions that reduce or divert waste, keeping materials in use. Our newest offering—LYCRA® EcoMade fiber—diverts pre-consumer waste by putting it back into production.
LYCRA® fiber waste is collected at our manufacturing sites and blended with virgin fiber at specific concentrations, resulting in a product that contains pre-consumer waste.
A recent study by Refinery 29** of 500+ women in the U.S. aged 18+ showed that two out of three think sustainability is one of the top three issues impacting our world today, over 80% are “very or somewhat invested” in improving their ecological footprint and over 50% say they want to improve their footprint in the area of textile and apparel waste.
*Lycra® Ecomade Fiber is a registered trademark of The Lycra Company